Saturday 17 September 2011


sleep is very  important part of our daily life,.A sound sleep makes a whole world of difference as it hepls the body to recover from the stress and strain of the day.Thus,it can safely be said that it is not just a pit stop for the body from top to toe to rest and repair help to revitalize the will and sharpen the mind .
after an adequate rest of between seven or eight hours you spring out of beg and are ready to take on the world.On the order hand ,getting up groggy and lethargic means you have probably overslept or had a bad night.Therefore you should try to sleep before midnight,preferably from 11pm to 6am. This is the time most of us  feel drowsy as the body mechanism start to slow down . Follow a regular sleep pattern ,that is, go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday as far as possible.The number of sleep hours varies from person to person .Some people can do with four hours while others need night hours of sleep . Babies need more hours of sleep while teenagers are working adults need less hours of sleep. As one ages, like the older people , one will have the tendency to sleep less . In general, the maximum number of sleep hours is eight hours.The are certain food that hepls youto relax the brain and nerves and make sleep easy .A glass of milk or chamomiletea can help to relax our body .. thanks you , tht all frm me .:)) eNjoyy .

Friday 16 September 2011

hepPy eId ;;) -


the 1st eid , i celebrate the eid at father villge..
.. mmm , pg2 lgi dh makan ketupat , nsi impet,rndng , kueh rya n byk lg lhh ..hehhee . . hri yg aku tnggu2 pd bln yg mulia adlh apbla bersalaman  and memhon ampun dgn parent , nangs aku dbuatnye ...:( ')  alhamdulillah hati  tenang akhirny ,stlh byk dsa yg tlh aku buad ,parent sudi memaafkan aku ...  ,yeahh ~~.thanks father and mum .. i luv u all more than evrytng .:).. hehehe .. 

at 11.oo am , we all go to vsit the grve of  grndfather .. after 2 years tdk mnziarhi kbur atuk , akhirnya aku dpt gak prgi and mmbacakn yassin untknye spya he will alwys calm at there .....that all frm me .. nGepe .

Tuesday 6 September 2011

advantage and disadvantade about fb ...

Facebook - a popular name among those who are so into it. Individuals who have an account in Facebook are now using more of their time to socialize with other people amidst the distance and lack of time. And even if a community like Facebook serves numerous advantages, it also proves to have certain disadvantages as well. There are now series of improvements in the system just to make up with the shortcomings. Arguments regarding the different advantages and disadvantages of Facebook are stated below.
· Allows user search for new and old friends
· Accessible to chosen universities having a high level of security
· Makes it less awkward when communicating with strangers or people you are not familiar with
· Love attraction - can be used as a dating service system
· Makes it easier to join groups having similar likes and dislikes
· Allows members to check students who are taking the same class, living within the same area, or coming from the same academy
· Overcrowding
· Weakening long distance relationship
· Unsupported by physical adjacency
· Contributes wide-range procrastination
· Rampant addiction
· Stalking is possible
· Acquaintances be labeled as friends

Sunday 4 September 2011

i study now .uitm sarawak .


 hey,hey ..

welcome to my blog ...  :)


“Endeavour, Religious, Dignified”


To establish UiTM as a premier university of outstanding scholarship and academic excellence capable of providing leadership to Bumiputeras’s dynamic involvement in all professional fields of world-class standards in order to produce globally competitive graduates of sound ethical standing.


To enhance the knowledge and expertise of Bumiputeras in all fields of study through professional programmes, research work and community service based on moral values and prof